Frequently asked questions

Discover answers and solutions to common issues with conversation access, management, and functionality in our FAQs. Get insights for using this feature effectively.

Contacts & FAQs

  1. What is the file to import the contacts ? The File format should be CSV while importing the contacts. First column should be the number along with the country code and next column should be variables like Name, Address & Email ID

  2. can i import contacts through the Xlsx files ? No, you cannot use xlsx files for importing the contacts.

  3. How many contacts i can import through the file ? You can import unlimited contacts using the CSV files. There is no limit to import the contacts in WhatsApp API

  4. Can i add the contacts manually ? Yes, you can add the manually by going to contacts and CRM by enter the name and number!

  5. Can i assign contacts the labels, status & custom fields in bulk ? Yes, you can assign up to 500 contacts in one go by applying any advance filter in contacts & CRM

Last updated