Ask Date

Ask Date

Learn the art of requesting dates from your clients with the Ask Date card. Set validation settings for the time slot you need for a productive discussion.

Ask Date Card

Ask date from your customer by using Ask Date card.

You can ask the customer a question as a Text or as a Voice.

Ask as Text Essentials

Learn the basics of the "Ask as Text" option in Ask Text Card to make talking to users more interesting.

Question Text

This is the question you want to ask users. Make it clear and short so users know what you're asking.

The Question text can be made Bold, Italic, or strikethrough using the options provided. The text will add the asterisk(*) for Bold, Underscore(_) for Italic text, and Tilde(~) for Strikethrough around the text.

Implementation Example

Kindly share the date you will be available for 20 mins to have a conversation.

The above text can be made Bold, Italic, or strikethrough using the options provided. The text will add the asterisk(*) for Bold, Underscore(_) for Italic text, and Tilde(~) for Strikethrough as shown in the text below.

Sample Flow Using Ask Text Card

Once you have set all the fields required and click on SAVE.

PRO TIP: Use Variables in the Question Text and in the Validation Error Message to make it more personalized.

Last updated