
Automate your e-commerce journey by connecting Shopify with WhatsTool Business. Set up cart abandonment messages, order confirmations, and COD workflows with ease.

Shopify Automation Overview

Integrating Shopify with WhatsTool Business brings powerful automation to enhance your e-commerce experience. The messages are seamlessly managed through workflows, ensuring efficient communication with customers.

🛒 Cart Abandonment Messages: Recover lost sales by setting up automated cart abandonment messages. Customize the timing and actions post-message to re-engage potential customers, updating tags or emails effortlessly.

🛍️ Order Confirmation and Updates: Ensure a smooth post-purchase journey by automating Order Confirmation, Delivery Updates, and Order Cancellations. Simplify the process with ready-to-use templates and personalized actions after sending messages.

💼 COD Confirmation Workflow: Effortlessly handle Cash-on-Delivery orders with a two-step workflow. Automatically confirm orders in WhatsTool Business, and seamlessly update the status in Shopify for a streamlined COD confirmation process.

By integrating Shopify with WhatsTool Business, you will unlock a seamless e-commerce journey where automated workflows ensure timely and personalized communication at every stage of your customer's purchasing process.

Steps to integrate the shopify :

  1. Go to Whatstool Business

  2. Click on App Integration

  3. Select the Shopify

  4. Enter the Store name and URL of the store and click on the configuration

  5. Select the Workflow

  6. Select the event which you need

  7. Choose the template here and select the variables to trigger the message

  8. Once that is done, save this.

  9. Turn the toggle to make it live

  10. Follow the same steps to other events as well

Kindly refer the below video for better understanding

Last updated