Create an account in WhatsTool Business.

Create your account and explore WhatsTool Business.

Create a free account in WhatsTool Business

You can create a free account on Whatstool in two ways - Either Sign up with Google (Google workspace mail id) or Sign up with Work email ID or Fill in the required details to login.

Note : Kindly use your Work Email ID and Fill all the details according to your Organisation.

  1. Go to and Click on Get Started.

  2. Kindly login with Google Mail to Signup or Work Email if you have.

  3. Fill the Details Name, your personal WhatsApp Number and Website.

  4. Click on Create Account

  5. Kindly check your Email for the OTP

  6. Enter the OTP and Verify the Account

  7. Fill the Details of your Organisation.

Now, You're set Explore the WhatsTool Business

Kindly refer the Video for creating the Account in WhatsTool Business

Last updated