Frequently asked questions

Discover answers and solutions to common issues with conversation access, management, and functionality in our FAQs. Get insights for using this feature effectively.


  1. What is the timeline to get approved by meta ? Meta will approve the templates within 24 hrs, generally it will take upto 10-15 mins to get approval after creation.

  2. What is the difference between marketing, utility & authentication ? Marketing is promotional message, Utility will be provide the Information about the updates & Authentication is sharing the OTP to login into accounts.

  3. What are the charges for the templates ? For India, Marketing will be 77 paisa/ conversation, Utility cost you 33paisa/conversation, Service will be 0.33 paisa/conversation. Other countries :

  4. How many buttons i can add in the templates ? You can add up to 10 Buttons where maximum 2 Website buttons & 1 Call to action rest of them will be Quick reply button ! We suggest you to add the stop promotion in the marketing templates.

  5. What are types of header in the templates ? Headers can be Any media like JPEG, PNG, Audio & PDF in the templates.

  6. What is character limit in the templates ? You can use up to 1024 Characters limit in the templates

Last updated