Custom Field

Customize information collection with Gallabox's Field Collection feature, creating and managing contact and company fields to suit your specific data needs perfectly.

The Custom field feature in WhatsTool enables you to create and manage various fields for collecting information within your contacts and company profiles. These fields can be customized to suit your specific data needs.

This flexibility allows you to tailor your contact and company information collection to your unique requirements, whether it's related to contact details, preferences, or any other data pertinent to your business.

How to create the Custom fields

This guide will walk you through the process of creating custom fields in Whatstool for employee training purposes.

1. Click "Custom fields"

Access the Custom fields section.

Click 'Custom fields'

2. Click "+ Create Custom Fields"

Initiate the creation of a new custom field.

Click '+ Create Custom Fields'

3. Enter the name

Select the option for the field's display name.

Enter the name

4. Enter Description

Navigate to the field's description section.

Enter Description

5. Turn on this to see in the Contacts & CRM

Select the appropriate settings.

6. Save the Custom fields

Finalize and create the custom field.

The guide covered the steps to create custom fields in Whatstool for employee training, ensuring a tailored approach to data management within the application.

Last updated